VQ @hawkeye
PAX #10 @swinger, @cardinal law, @piledriver, @slippers, @ducktails, @rat, @also ryan, @hatchet, @dave_ramsey, @mecanico <–FNG(Ramon from Paraguay)
Warm up
25 SSH
10 grass grabbers
stretch right center left center
10 arm circles forward 10 back
The Thang:
10 SSH
10 Butt to Block
10 Block Swings
10 Block Presses
10 Block Curls
10 Burpies
On your six feet in block
10 Big Boys
10 LBC
10 American Twists
10 Freddy Mercuries
Run 20 yards
10 Merkins
Run back 20 yards
Repeated above x 9 sets
addtional 40 Merkins at the end
Prayers for family involved in house fire, may God provide abundantly for them.
@ piledriver that God’s will be done and this matter may be resolved as as planned.
The Robinson family as they anticipate the birth of their child-> health to mom and baby.
Hebrews 2:1
Pay careful attention to what we have heard so you do not drift.
Check that you are firmly anchored on what Jesus has done for you, not "doing anything" in our jobs, relationships, children, finances etc is called drift and this is not a desirable action. We are called to press on.
Piggybacked on an outstanding message titled
Do Not Drift
By Pastor Christine Caine founder of A21 world wide organization combating human trafficking and helping victims of physical and sexual abuse
The Day has been Conquered for Us
anyone seen @pigpen ?