Indigo Rebellion, 6-10-20, QIC: @Piledriver

Indigo Rebellion, June 10, 2020, Pile Driver*QIC:* @Pile Driver *PAX:* @Toxic, @Slippers,@Pile Driver, @rat, @Rocky, @Pistol Pete @Fire CrackerMissed you guys: @Papa, @Also Ryan, @daveramsey, @regulator, @swinger, @pigpen, @Crab Trap, @glow pop, @covered dish, @duck tails, @blade, @cardinal law, @hatchet, @swinger, @Hawkeye and others…__________________*Warm-up:*SSH 25 ICToy soldiers 10 ICIMPERIAL WALKERS 10 ICHILLBILLIES 10 ICGRASS GETTERS 10 ICStretch into plank, 25 merkinsStretch hammies, calves back etc 2min.___________________*The Thang:Burpee football Idian Run stopping each time football is dropped, doing 20 Merkins. We stopped 5x’s on our way to retrieve Heavy Blocks. 3/4 mi and 150 merkinksRound 1Squats to the block 25Heavy Block Curls 25 IC (50)Hand release merkins 25Flutter Kicks papa style 25 IC1/4 mi moseyRound 2Over head press w/ heavy block 25 ICReverse lunges 25 total, count each legLT s 25 single count Freddie Mercury  25 IC1/4 mi moseyRound 3 Bonnie Blairs 50Freedom Twist w/block  25 ICClean and press Block, 25 ICDiamond Merkins 25Put blocks up1/4 mi mosey to flagPledge of AllegianceCount, namaromma (FNG @Rocky’ 7 year old daughter Coral- aka @ Firecracker)Announcements, TAPs, COT__________________Announcements: Chris Singleton who’s mother was lost in the Mother Emanuel tragedy will speak this Sunday at Coastal Community church in West Ashley.  Both services. –PRAISE: @rat’s mother’s nodule is benign @slippers sisters are pregnant and doing well. –Prayers: @rat’s friends Ashley and Mick and their still born bay Mercy#Prayer-Request channel and many unspoken prayersCOT:Mathew 22 V: 37-40Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”Matthew 22:37‭-‬40 NIV cant live by the Golden Rule without God. The removal of God is the root problem in the world today. To love your neighbor as yourself, you must first love God with your whole being. God’s love is the only answer. Look for ways to lift others up everyday, with a kind word, a nice gestures. Open your eyes to the opportunity that God gives us to share his love by serving others in our community. Close with the Lord’s Prayer. Finish with the pledgeGreat Work from all my brothers and sister today!Praise be to God,@Piledriver