Indigo Rebellion, 9/21/19, Radio

QIC: @Radio
PAX: @Hawkeye, @Ducktails, @Toxic, @Whatcanbrowndoforyou, 1 FNG

Welcome FNG @Jager, Zack is from the hood! Good work @Toxic getting him out!
SSH x 30 IC
Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
Merkins x 15 IC
Grass Grabbers x 12 IC

Mosey to the Block Pile and grad 2 (not 1) blocks apiece.
The Thang:

Each Pax manages his 2 blocks over a 50 yard course for 3 rounds.

1. Start with 50 yard lunge with both blocks in hand

2. 20 block rows, 20 block curls, 20 block presses

3. Sprint back to start line

4. 10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 Bonnie Blairs

5. Bear Crawl back to Blocks

Rinse / Repeat 3 X

20 Big Boys with feet in blocks

Farmer Carry with Blocks 300 M back to block pile mosey to flag


Study in Ecclesiastes: Everything is meaningless (But we know it’s not), Let’s play the long game. Trade in instant gratification for delayed gratification and work on ourselves in the process. Let’s strengthen our Non-Physical muscles by embracing the discomfort of not getting what we want now and look for opportunities to enjoy the process. The experience is what makes the memory. #RaiseYourStandards #Embracethesuck Go Get Em Boys!

Justin Fouse