clear skies, dry low 50’s/10 PAX for 1 of 3 burpee beat downs this week
QIC Hawkeye PAX @papa, @swinger, @cardinal_law, @pigpen, @mash, @slippers, @hatchett, @piledriver, @also_ryan
Warm up: arm circles, grass grabbers, stretch those hammies, reach for the stars
The Thang: working on technique–>landing flat on feet and using a paint line on the court for consistent hand placement
125 x 3 pump burpees with 3 SSH as an appetizer and 3 squats as a chaser
total 125 burpees, 375 merkins, 375 SSH, 375 squats
10 burpee “Swinger shooting star penalty” because I called out a shooting star. total was *1260 reps*
Countorama Namorama welcome @mash (already F3 named in NC now living here) Pledge of Allegiance Announcements 1)oyster roast signup on spread sheet feb 22 2-6 pm on Johns Island, 2) 7 AM IR convergence March 14 (some loose talk with @pappa re:coffee, brief F3 personal testimonies)
Prayers requests per @piledriver for Keegan 17 year old with recent brain surgery for healing and family in Ohio who’s son was killed in a work accident, and @slippers friend going home from rehab after flu and pneumonia
Verse 1 Cor 16:14 Do everything in Love
The Day has been Conquered!