OC Back Blast:
AO: Orange Crush 2/25/2020
0500 Boot Camp: 7 PAX in some delicious rain, @la-z-boy, @Ricky Bobby,
@Hacksaw, @Anti-lock, @sammich, @Laettner, @Hacksaw
QIC: @Doodle
Note: Thanks all for coming out in the rain and your patience with my VQ.
And thanks @sammich for being the timekeeper.
16 Walkers IC
20 Grass Pickers IC
20 Toy Soldiers IC
20 Arm Circles IC (switched directions halfway)
Leg Stretch
Main Thang:
1 mile Indian run around neighborhood and through puddles.
Mosey to bus entrance for modified Dora. One partner does reps while the
other runs a two-leg suicide. Swap.
The 7 exercises:
1. Hand-release Merkins
2. Squats
3. Dips
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Supermans
6. Flutter Kicks
7. Lunges
Mosey to covered area for a little more.
50 LBCs
20 Lunges
16 Hello Dollies IC
Mosey back to the flag.
Birthday Blues – I had a birthday last week and my wife reminded me not to
get too excited as I’d probably end up with the birthday blues as usual.
After my initial defensiveness, I realized she was right. She could also
identify with my feelings when it came to her own cake day. In her words,
“a little part of you just expects someone to swoop in and make all your
dreams come true”.
This year, I chose not to let that happen. I decided to be a giver on my
birthday instead of expecting to receive. I started by giving my family
small presents in the morning. They were surprised. That brought me so much
joy. Later I brought home (unannounced) a fancy coffee drink for my wife
that she really likes. Small things – and far from selfless – but they were
a reflection of my gratitude and thankfulness. And they made the difference
in my attitude. It was great day.
It was Jesus that taught it is better (more blessed) to give than receive
(Acts 20:35). We’ve all heard that a thousand times. But do we do it? It’s
not easy – especially on regular old rainy Tuesdays. Challenge for today:
go out of the way ONE TIME to be a giver.
Announcements: Thursday after workout meet up for coffee at SBX nearby.
@la-z-boy called attention to pig picking coming up. @Hacksaw encouraged us
to sign up for Dragon Boat Race which we always win no matter what they say.