Orange Crush 10/22/2019

AO: Orange Crush
Boot camp: 10/22/2019 @ 0500
Pax: 4; @Blue Tick @Hacksaw @Ricky Bobby @la-z-boy
QIC: La-Z-Boy, YHC

Pre-run 0420
2 pax: @Danny McBride @la-z-boy
3.12 miles

Boot Camp 0500
Birthday Q for La-Z-Boy celebrating 47
47 Side Straddle Hops IC
Mosey to Mary Utsey Park

Main Thang
47 pull-ups
47 merkins IC
47 box jumps
47 squats IC
47 walking lunges
Mosey back to flag
47 burpees
47m bear crawl
47 Big Boy sit-ups
47 tuck jumps

Relationships require effort on our part for them to work. Whether with God, our wives, work, or F3. The focus shouldn’t be on what we receive from these relationships but what are we putting into them. Minimal effort nets minimal joy.

Announcements: Starbucks tonight at 8 pm

Prayer Requests: Todd Cathcart and family, Bluetick’s aunt is going for biopsy today and praying for good results, praying for The Juice and the loss of a baby.

Thank you,

David Childress