SSH 20x IC
Imperial Walkers 15x IC
3rd Grade Ex 10x IC
Hillbillies 15x IC
Some new thing (“rock-em sock-em”?) — hold arms out front, parallel to
ground, arms slightly bent at elbows, hands in fists, and rotate left to
right x10 IC
‘Mericans 10x IC
Mosey to pick up the CMUs and head out to the track
Curls x20 IC
Overhead press x15 IC
Block clean & press x10 IC
Alternating hand block ‘mericans x10 IC
Ghost monkey humpers x20 IC
Burpees 10x IC
Head to track for first part of the Route 66
mosey to first light post
1 ‘merican
mosey to next light post
2 ‘mericans
Bernie to middle of track curve
3 ‘mericans
lunge to next light post
4 ‘mericans
mosey to next light post
5 ‘mericans
bernie to middle of track curve
6 ‘mericans
Back to circle up with blocks
curls x20 IC
shoulder to shoulder x10 IC
spin the block (invented by @KidRock) — hold block in one hand, hanging
down, and rotate left to right. Pass block from right hand to left hand,
and repeat. x15 IC
Ghost monkey humbers x20 IC
Alternating hand block merkins x10 IC
New thing (“Curtiss” for the radial engine): PAX planks up in a circle. Q
starts with 1 ‘merican and holds plank. Next PAX does 1 ‘merican and holds
plank. This rotates through all the PAX until it returns to the Q who does
2 ‘mericans, and so on. Repeat through 5 merkin’s with everyone holding
plank for the duration.
Curls x20 IC
Put up the blocks and return to flag
Big boy situps x15 IC
COT: With the divisiveness of the elections, consider that focusing on good
quality candidates at the local level can help prime the national field for
future elections to hopefully bring reason and civility back. Prayers for
the F3llers doing the Edge of Glory today. Prayers for health
for @HerculesX3’s friends, For @doughboy’s father in law. @KidRock said a
prayer for a passerby and prayed us out.
PAX: @Junkyard Dawg (respect), @RedRyder (respect), @HerculesX3
(respect), @Doughboy, @KidRock (double secret respect), @Prius
(respect), @Drago