Park West 11/12/2021 Q: Big DIF

0500 #parkwest Friday Workout 11/12/2021
9 strong showed this morning!!
Pledge of Allegiance
Alll exercises in Cadence unless noted:
Warm up:
Side Straddle hops x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
3rd Grade exercises x 15
Mountain Climbers 15 IC
Merkins x 15
Mosey to the fence:
10 bank Robber :burpee: OYO

Moosy to the Jr.. hill all exercises SC unless noted:
1st Set
Bernie up
10 :star2: jumps
Regular down
10 :burpee:

2nd Set
Bernie up
10 Lt. Dan’s IC
:bear: crawl down
10 :burpee:

Mosey to the Big Hill
Run up
10 Lt. Dan’s IC
Regular down
10 :burpee: OYO

Mosey to the Wall
10 Whirl-e-bird or Regular (Pax Choice) Wall jump :burpee:
10 count Core Break all exercises x 10 IC
Crunchy :frog:
In and outs
Freedom twists
Mosey to the field of dreams
:burpee: broad jumps to the popular :deciduous_tree: exercises x 10 IC
Big Boy Sit-ups
Flutter kicks
Spartin situps
:bear: crawl to the light pole exercises x 10 IC
Paddie :birthday: :merkin:
T :octagonal_sign: :merkin:
Backwards Lunges to the fence exercises x 10 IC
Iron mikes
:monkey: :camel:

Mosey to the :ant: hill for some :burpee: back :Merkins:
10 Burpies at the bottom suicide Bernie to each Tier 10:Merkins: at each
tier Regular down 40 :burpee: and :merkin:

Qic: @Big DIF

PAX: @Prius (Respect), @red_ryder (Respect), @Orville (Respect), @howitzer
(Respect), @Beltway, @Pennsyltucky, @Bob the Builder and @FEMA.

COT: Prayers for @FEMA as he and Grace go camping this weekend. Prayers for
as he travels this weekend to pick up a new vehicle.

@Pennsyltucky will be leading the Monday Boot Camp.
Greenway Gitty-up
is leading #wile-e-coyote tomorrow at 0600 come join in on the
fun while it still has that new AO smell :nose:
@f3upstate is leading the 3rd F Study on David at the Lowes grocery 0730
today. Check out the #the-hills-3rdf channel for details. Zoom link below
if youcan’tmakeitin person:
Beer summit today usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer-summit
channel for details.
Check #eastbound-and-down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island for
Ruck or Run.

Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)