0500 Park West hump day Workout YHC Birthday Q: turning 46 today 12/23/2020
15 strong showed this morning!!
Pledge of Allegiance
Alll exercises in Cadence unless noted:
Warm up:
Side Straddle hops x 46
Imperial Walkers x 15
Hillbillies x 15 IC
3rd Grade exercises x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
Merkins x 15
Mosey to the Tennis :tennis: courts
Suicide to each doubles line X 5 first line x 10 2nd line and × 15 3rd line
exercises listed below SC.
1st round Burpee broad jumps Bernie back, 2nd lung, Bernie back and 3rd
round run and Bernie back.
Round 1 Merkins
Round 2 money humpers
Round 3 Crunchy 🐸 IC
Mosey to the shed grab a CMU then circle up in the endzone exercises x 10
IC unless noted
Overhead press
Shoulder to shoulder
Bent over rows
Crunchy :frog:
In and Outs
Flutter kicks
:ghost: :monkey: humpers
First round: line up on back of the end zone
:hocho::rabbit2: to the 1st light pole
Burpee block jumps
Alternating block Merkins
T-stop Merkins
Continue to 2nd light pole with Rifle carry exercises x 10 IC
Block hop Merkins
Iron Mike’s
:ghost: :monkey: humpers
Continue to the back of the end zone with shoulder carry
10 block hop Burpees
Mosey back to the :ant: hill
Co-Colas with the Boys
Qic: @Big DIF
PAX: @daisy, @F3 Kid Rock (Respect x2), @McDreamy (Respect x2), @red_ryder
(Respect), @Hercules x3 (Respect), @Mike Torrence-Voltage (Respect), @Happy
G (Respect), @Bumble Bee (Respect) @Junkyard Dawg (Respect), @doughboy,
@Bob the Builder, @Atticus, @jongresh-lfd and @f3dirtybird
COT: Prayers for @Atticus and his family as they are dealing with the loss
of his Cousin Kevin. Prayers for @f3dirtybird’s Brother in law as he is
dealing with the loss of his Father.
Delayed start for Thursday boot camp 0700 start time for Christmas Eve.
#jingle-balls run and #shock-and-thaw run start December 26th and January
1st. Details are listed on the channels
Red Friday Workout continue donations for postage are needed to get
packages sent overseas. See @daisy or if you want to venmo send donations
to @melissa-leopper
3rd F study is off this week Friday 0730 every Friday morning at the Lowes
grocery. Contact @Miyagi or Check out the #the-hills-3rdf channel for
Beer summit usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer summit channel for
Check #eastbound and down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island for
Ruck or Run.
Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)
E-Mail: F3bigdif@gmail.com