Park West 5/17/2022 Q: Miyagi

Block party started at 0530.

All exercises IC and 10x UNO
Warmup (SSH, IW, Hillbillies, 3rdGrade, BowStances, Red Bull SSH, Smurfjax)

Grabbed blocks and proceed to circle of fire (Curls, shoulder press, bent
row, shoulder to shoulder, freedom twist, in and out, block Merken).
Repeat. Head to field via rifle carry.

Murder bunny to mid-field, block merken, sprint back, merkins, Bernie to
block, murder bunny rest of way, sprint, Bernie, merken. Head to Ant Hill
via rifle carry.

Murder bunny to first level. Big boys. Sprint down. Merkens. Bernie to
block Repeat to 2nd, 3rd and 4th level. Stayed up top for circle of fire.
Down to track start area.

Did more stuff but forgot. Rifle carry to mid-track. Did more stuff but
forget. Rifle carry with shoulder press to track end.

Back to flag. Bow stances, splits.

Announcements : see DIFF and earlier posts. 0730 Friday for Screwtape
Letters #12 and #13 at Lowe’s Foods.

Prayers: Safe travels for Wando Girls Rugby. Friend of Upstate’s son is
deployed. Prayers for Red Ryder and his family as he lost his dad.

Name-o-rama below.

God’s peace! Miyagi out.