Park West 5/9/2022

0500 Park West Saturday Workout 5/9/2022
7 strong showed this morning!!
Pledge of Allegiance
Alll exercises in Cadence unless noted:
Warm up:
Side Straddle hops x 10
Imperial Walker x 10
3rd Grade exercises x 10
Peter Parkers x 10
Merkin: x 10
Mosey to the Fence exercises x 10
​ ​ ​ OYO

Mosey to the Big Hill
Hill suicide Burnie up regular down exercises x 10 OYO
Round 1-3
​ ​on top
:Burpee: at bottom
Round 4
Iron Mikes on top
Plyo ​

Mosey to the Wall exercises x 10
Wall Jump
Wall ​ ​
Monkey up Lt. Dan down ​
Crunchy ​
In and outs
Freedom Twists

Mosey to the field of dreams and ​ to the popular ​ and Bernie back
exercises x 10 SC then run to the next popular ​ Bernie back exercises x
10 SC
Plyo ​
Iron Mikes
Big boy situps (free release on first stop 20 at the end)
Jailbreak to the fence 10 :burpe: OYO

Burpee broad jumps to the 2nd popular ​
Hand release ​

Plyo :merkin

Mosey to the concession stand
5 :burpe: Jack ​ donkey
5 :burpe: Wall climbs

Mosey to the Big Boy Wall exercises x 10
Wall ​OYO
Urkins IC
Durkins IC

Jailbreak to the flag

Mosey to the Curb. Curb to curb exercises suicide style. ​ down Bernie
back exercises x 10 OYO
​ down
​ ​ ​ back
2nd set
​ down and back

Qic: @Big DIF

Pax: @Boomer, @Bob the Builder, @Gepetto, @Beltway, Warren Wade FNG Named
(Welcome) @Pennsyltucky,

COT: Prayers for @Pennsyltucky as he travels to Florida.

Tuesday @LFD on Q
​ Day @Bob on Q
3rd F study is Friday morning 0730 at the Lowes grocery. Check out the
#the-hills-3rdf channel for details.
Beer summit this week usually a 1700 start time. Check the #beer-summit
channel for details.
Check #eastbound-and-down channel for Sundays 0600 Sullivans Island for
Ruck or Run.
0600-0645 BC Saturday 0430-0515 BC Thursday #wile-e-coyote. Get an early
start to your day or double down. Check out the #wile-e-coyote channel for
Looking to ​ a Memorial day Murph!! Possibly Friday 27, May at #parkwest!!
Reach out to @Belichick if you are interested.
Memorial day Convergence 30 May 0700 at the #sandpitt.

Jed Wiseman (F3 Big DIF)