The Hills Of Parkwest 10/1/20

Warmup: Chinook ICx10, Ray Lewis ICx10, Night at the Roxbury ICx10, Chubby
Checker ISO Lunge ICx10

The Thang: We partner you and everyone grabs a block. Mosey to track for
Catch me if you can format. One PAX with Farmers Carry while other PAX
performs ICx 20 exercise. Rinse and repeat for 4 laps, each with different
exercise. They include, Squat, Merican, Squat Thrust, Then Burpee x5.
Mosey back to flag for what everyone thought would be 100 IC flutter kicks,
but was only 51.

PAX: Junkyard Dawg, Rocketman, TK, FEMA, Doughboy, Hercules x3, Bobber,
Prime, Big Dif, Bumblee, Sherpa, Prius. Dirtybird hobbled home.

QIC: Daisy

Keep checking in with each other and continue to EH.