Westbound and Down 2019-10-20

13 PAX met up for some rainy but a pretty awesome 5 miles or so. Good to get out there with the boys for some solid work and fellowship.

PAX: @HBC @creditcheck @gandalf @Capt Ron @Skyline @la-z-boy @Lizards Thicket @McDreamy @creditcheck @OG @FLO @Michael Bolton

QIC: @hokeypokey

Pre-run: (5 miles)


Main event: (5 miles)



1 Thessalonians 5:15

See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.

Above, focus on not just your journey to do no evil to others but to help your fellow pax in the quest as well.

Prayers out to @capt ron who’s on a quest to figure out what’s next at work.

The Cathcart family as they continue into hospice care.

@OG’s M as she continues to seek answers with the doctors.