QIC: @Michael Bolton
PAX: @Michael Bolton @hokeypokey @uber
3 PAX with higher than average of levels fortitude met up for a lovely
mosey through the land West of the Ashley.
Stretches in our shorty shorts
The Thang:
6 mile Mosey
The official lockdown started March 23 and will likely end May 1st. That is
EXACTLY 40 days.The Latin root of the word “quarantine” is “forty”.
So what does the Bible say about 40?The flood lasted 40 days.
40 years Moses fled Egypt.
40 days Moses stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments.
Exodus lasted 40 years.
Jesus fasted for 40 days.
40 days for a woman to rest after giving birth.Optimum number of weeks for
human gestation is 40.A group of theologians thinks the number 40
represents “change”. It is the time of preparing a person, or people, to
make a fundamental change.
Something will happen after these 40 days. Just believe and pray. Remember,
whenever the number 40 appears in the Bible, there is a “change”.Please
know that during this “quarantine” rivers are cleaning up, vegetation is
growing, the air is becoming cleaner because of less pollution, there is
less theft and murder, healing is happening, and most importantly, people
are turning to Christ. The Earth is at rest for the first time in many
years and hearts are truly transforming.Remember we are in the year 2020,
and 20 + 20 = 40.Also, 2020 is the year of the United States Census. Jesus
Christ, the savior of the world, was born during a census.Lastly, 2020 is
perfect vision. May our sight focus on the Lord and living according to His
perfect vision for us knowing He holds us in the palm of His hand.May these
days of “quarantine” bring spiritual liberation to our souls, our nation,
and our world.Post copied.
Excited to be back at it! Missed @hokeypokey immensely.
Continued prayers for @Greenhorn’s father. Continued prayers for
@hokeypokey’s niece at school in Australia. Xena the dog and her lovely
owner joined us in prayers for unity in our nation and community and for
peace and healing for all those affected by this crisis.