WhiskeyAlpha Laces Out, 4/28/2020, MichaelBolton

QIC: @Michael Bolton


4 Men fought the fartsack to get better on clear, cool morning. @Michael
Bolton @Huggies.. @uber @Screech


SSH x25 IC

Imperial Walkers x10 IC

Gravel Grabbers x10 IC

Breakdance Merkins x10 IC

The Thang: 2.4 mi mosey through beautiful West Ashley w/ stops for pain
stations approx every .25mi

1st stop; SSH x25 IC – Merkins x10 IC – Big Boys x20

2nd Stop; Jump Squats x25 – Breakdance Merkins x10 IC – LBCs x50 OYO

3rd Stop; High Knees x25 IC – Burpees x10 OYO – Freedom Twists x10 IC

4th Stop; Mountain Climbers x25 IC – Heels to Heaven x20 – Captain Thors
x10 IC

5th Stop; Freddie Mercuries x25 IC – Captain Morgans x10 IC – Boxcutters
X10 IC

Turned around and moseyed back w/ a couple stops on the way back of above.


Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the
most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be
foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. – Ephesians 5:15-17

How do we determine the Lord’s Will? By reading His word and Praying to HIm.

How are you using this opportunity? Are you accelerating or decelerating?
Are you growing closer to Jesus or further? Closer to your family or
further? Improving your fitness or losing?

Use this time wisely, do not let this opportunity slip by.


@Huggies.. and the RollinFoxTrotz crew will be doing a 16 mi ride downtown
this Saturday. Starting at 0600 at White Gardens Park at the battery and
returning around 0730. Please join them if you have a bike OR,
alternatively, I plan to meet them there, run about 8ish miles and meet
them back at the park for the COT.


Prayers for @Huggies.. wife’s family as they lost 2 members of their family
in the past week.

My daughter’s feet to straighten out and work for my wife.

Unity for our Nation, our Community and our F3 Brotherhood.

