AO: Westbound and Down, 2/9/2020, Q:hokeypokey
Eight PAX made it out for a chilly but bearable mosey through The ‘Moss for 5 & 6 mile loops. Good times! PAX: @Skyline @Capt Ron @The Bern @Cousin Eddie …
F3Charleston – Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith
Eight PAX made it out for a chilly but bearable mosey through The ‘Moss for 5 & 6 mile loops. Good times! PAX: @Skyline @Capt Ron @The Bern @Cousin Eddie …
13 PAX got together for some fun times. @Screech found a way to tackle the parking sign during the run. It was special. PAX: @Screech @OG @Lizards Thicket @credit_check @Teddy …
Groundhog Day!! It was a good one if YHC does say so himself! Great to see everyone out there! Nice work! PAX(9):@osceola @Michael Bolton @Capt Ron @JoePa @Cousin Eddie @Chewy …
Thirteen made it out of their fartsacks into the crisp air this morning to get a little bit better. Nice work all! PAX: @Johnny Utah @OG @HBC @Bandit @Golden Bear …
Four PAX made it for a decent little beatdown, if I do say so myself (ahem). It was a nice brisk morning, want to see more of the neighborhood out …
13 PAX met up for some rainy but a pretty awesome 5 miles or so. Good to get out there with the boys for some solid work and fellowship. PAX: …
PAX: @Lizards Thicket @la-z-boy @Gazuntite @hurley @PugLife @hokeypokey 6 made it out for a perfect October morning run. Nice push this morning gents! *The Thang* Pre-run 0530 Main event …
13 Pax made it out for a tour around the DE grounds. Good work men! PAX: @Skyline @Betty Crocker @Bull @Golden Bear @credit_check @Bandit @HBC @HVAC @Johnny Utah @Screech @OG @leachate …
PAX (20): @Gazuntite @Capt Ron @diopter @PugLife @hurley @Ditka @Woody Woodpecker @Michael Bolton @lattimore @Borg @achoo @JoePa @clutch @Skyline @Washup @James Pippin (GoatDaddy) @osceola @Radio @falconQIC: @hokeypokey The Thang19 men …