Delta Echo Early bird special / 10-4-19 / @WCBDFY


PAX: @Otto @falcon @HBC

Warm up:

Imperial Walkers 10 IC

Toy Soldiers 10 IC


Concrete grabbers 10 IC

Mosey around the lot to to you box


The Thang:

Billy Madison ABC’s:

Ran a lap and started the first grade, ran another lap and continued the second grade and repeated the first grade and so on until graduation. Started running out of time around the tenth grade, and stopped moseying to wrap up the exercises.

Alternating shoulder taps 120 IC

Bobby Hurley’s 96 SC

Carolina Dry Docks 96 SC

Dips 72 IC

Elbow Clickers with blocks (aka. Triceps extension) 60 SC

Flutter kicks 48 IC

Gorilla humpers 36 IC

Hillbillies 24 IC

Imperial Squat Walkers 12 IC

Jumping Jacks (aka SSH)

Merkins 12 IC



“God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it”

1 Corinthians 10:12-14


Thinking of the Cathcart family.

Your F3 Name
