DeltaEcho – 03/02/20, Vila – HBD Hokey Pokey

AO: #DeltaEcho
QIC: @vila
15 PAX: @Bandit, @Skyline, @Credit_Check, @Tackleberry, @Palin, @Teen
Wolf, @BettyCroker, @Lumineer, @Skreetch, @Johnny Utah, @Smokin
Meat, @SwampFox, @lizards Thicket, @HokeyPokey, @vila

*The Warmup*

15 Merkins IC
15 Grass Getters IC
Hamstring Stretch

Mosey to the Soccer Field for…

*The Thang*

The Four Corners of Fun

*Corner 1: Merkin Corner*

Monkey Humpers x 37 IC
Merkins x 15 IC

Line up for Sprints the full length of the soccer field

*Corner 2: Ab Corner*
5 MOM Ab exercises for the full five minutes rotating through:
Freddie Mercury, Box Cutters, Heels to Heaven and Freedom Twists

Lunge Walk to the next corner (width of the field)

*Corner 3: Burpee Corner*

15 Burpees OYO

Sprint the length of the field

*Corner 4: Leg Day Corner*

37 Squats IC
15 Alt Lunges IC

Bear crawl back to the start

*Corner 1 redux*

Hokey Pokey lead us for 10 more Monkey Humpers
15 merkins IC

Sprint the length

*Corner 2 redux*

Ring of Fire: Pax does ab exercises while one man does 5 burpees

High knees the width of the field

*Corner 3 redux*

17 burpees OYO (bringing us up to 37 total)

Sprint the length

*Corner 4 redux*

Lt Dans for the duration of Come on Eileen matching the beat (this turned
out to be a lot harder than it sounds!)

Return to Flag

Merkins x 7 IC (bringing total to 37)

YHC turns 37 in a week, so thanks for indulging me. More importantly,
@HokeyPokey turned 47 today so he owed us 10 of a bunch of exercises. He
lead us to:

10 more burpees,
10 more merkins IC and
10 more squats IC


It is a pleasure to go all around the west side this past week and know
that everyone is ready to bring it. Awesome job by the men of DE. Happy
Birthday @HokeyPokey!

we are praying for you and we love you, brother!