Embrace the Gloom

I was a recently laid off computer programmer looking forward to a whole summer off in 2016 before starting a new job. Just as a kid, I could have long lazy days, with not a care in the world, I could sleep in as long as I wanted, take my time with the chores, and relax whenever I pleased.

So on one of those days I found myself by the pool talking to Conflict, my neighbor. He told me about this free workout program for men called F3 and suggested that I try it out. It sounded interesting but I brushed it off. I was reluctant because I was an active rock climber, which is a great exercise, so I considered myself in shape and didn’t think I needed to work out more. And a major block for me was the starting time – 5:30! The thought of waking up at 5 for a workout terrified me! Us night owls begrudgingly wake up early to go to work or school, because the world around us begins early. But I wasn’t facing those obligations that summer, I didn’t have to be anywhere early. Why would I want to subject myself to this torture?

But Conflict’s EH game was strong! He kept sending me links to the lexicon, exicon, the starter guide, and asking if I were ready to post. He told me about the other F’s that shortly follow the first. Little by little, he chipped away from the block I had erected, and on June 15, 2016 I was an FNG riding in Conflict’s truck to my very first post at the Grove.

The illusion that I was in a good shape from climbing disappeared quickly during the workout. I was in a good climbing shape but the bootcamp style was a different matter. I discovered all kinds of new muscles that I didn’t use in climbing. By the end it was clear to me that this workout was complimentary to climbing and I did need this! And thanks to climbing, my F3 name emerged. Someone thought of Rocky, and since I’m Russian, Rocky’s Russian opponent, Ivan Drago was picked to lend me his name. I’ve heard many PAX grumble about their F3 names, wishing they were better but I, for one, love my F3 name and thank the brothers that came up with it!

After I learned that F3 would improve my physical shape I also realized how 5:30 workouts benefited me in other ways. As a single father, I don’t have a lot of spare time in the evening with the kids. Adding a workout to my schedule was inconceivable. But doing it at 5:30 was perfect! I’m done with that part of my life even before my kids wake up and I have the rest of the day for other things. So I had to embrace 5:30, the Gloom! The easiest way to do it is work out 3-4 times a week so waking up early becomes a pattern and it’s not as jarring to your body. But it’s still hard. I thought about it and realized that the “don’t post” decision comes easy when you’re in your weakest state, just waking up. Therefore, the decision part had to be done the night before. And when the alarm rings, you don’t debate, you just do what you decided – peel out of bed and post. If you decide to skip the workout you also do it the night before and sleep like a baby with a clear conscience. I think every PAX struggling with early mornings should adopt this approach. It is curious that many say, “I feel bad I fartsacked and missed the workout.” But I haven’t heard the opposite – “I wish I’d stayed in bed”, at the end of the workout. So fight through the morning sluggishness on the way to the AO, and you’ll be glad you did!

I liked facing and overcoming the challenges that F3 put in front of me. First, it’s the workouts. They’re tough but the PAX give you an extra boost and motivate you to push through the pain. Beckham once said at one of my Q’s after some 11’s with Wall Hurdles, “I almost splashed Merlot today and I could barely make it back to the flag. I know that if I were doing this alone I would’ve stopped a long time ago but the PAX kept me going!” Second, it’s the Q-ing. Creating a workout is a great responsibility, you want the PAX to get better from it, to push themselves, but also to have fun. So it makes you dig deep to deliver a quality workout. And the great Q’s like Hotwire – with his collection of Weinkes for every occasion and clipboards to make it official – add pressure to deliver. Then during the Q itself you strive to perform. The saying “If you can’t do it don’t Q it” gives me a boost of Q-drenaline to push myself hard and encourage others.

As I made F3 a part of my life, I saw the other 2 F’s emerge. Mumblechatter is always a great part of the workout and I look forward to it every time. I see PAX genuinely care for each other. They hang with the Six, check on the missing PAX, reach out to stragglers and give them encouragement to keep them going. Then there are those events like Tour de Charleston, where an extra bond is formed when you hit all the AO’s and see Trojan or Big DIF working hard to stay ahead, with Hotwire nibbling at their heels by constantly inventing new competitions to get more points. You slowly realize that you’re a part of a great community of men, of brothers, trying to make themselves and those around them better. And I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels the gratitude for this bond, and want to give back in some way. That is why we have so many PAX do this by turning up at Windwood Farms, at Dragon Boat, and other events where they can help out the Charleston community at large. I’m sure that that part of F3’s contribution is just the beginning and we’ll see more in the years to come!
