Passing the NanTan Torch, F3_Hotwire

(correction, the F3 Flag)

2020 marks the end of my two-year tenure as F3 Charleston NanTan.  I’ll be passing the East Side Nantan torch to F3 Daisy (ParkWest).  Daisy is a great leader and highly committed to F3 and his brothers.  He’ll do great!   

I wanted to thank my two mentors, our previous Nantan’s: F3 Conflict – who knows more about F3 than anybody I know (he taught me so much) and F3 JV, the founder of F3 Charleston, who provided our foundation and lead by example through his passion for F3.  These men, I tried to emulate, while adding my own style and personality.   And, of course, the notorious former WeaselShaker (Crablegs) who EH’d me into accepting the NanTan role 2 yrs. ago.  And Vila and Diopter who continuously helped me keep F3 communications and operations organized–these two do SO much behind the scenes!    

Lastly, I would like to thank all of you!  It’s a GREAT honor to lead the men of F3 Charleston.  I see the physical effort we all exert at BCs, CSAUPs, etc but it’s the deeper values and spirit in your hearts and minds that is even more impressive!  So awesome to see.

I’ll close by reflecting on what “stick out” as some of OUR most notable and important accomplishments over the past 2 years.  It’s good to step back and recognize all that WE have accomplished, and what we can do going forward:

  • Dragonboat fundraiser for F3 Harbaugh – my clear winner of the most impactful thing we did.  We love you, Harbaugh!
  • Launch and growth of Tour de Charleston – awesome idea… chainsaws, the belt the cup, teams…setting the bar higher each year!  Importantly, no rules (at least, according to me😊)
  • Windwood Farm – painting, landscaping, carpentry, backhoe—ALL IN for a great cause!
  • Greenway Giddy-Up – awesome CSAUP and growth!
  • Edge of Glory – hitting its stride in its fourth year with the new Lowcountry Orphan Relief partnership
  • Launching New AOs – Delta Echo, SMI, and expanding into Johns Island – Indigo Rebellion.  
  • Mother Emanuel AME Church – Annual prayers and reflection.  Great job Klondike.
  • CSAUPs – Palmetto 200, Blue Ridge Relay, Bourbon Run, etc.
  • Iron PAX – a new annual challenge…. though score-keeping involves a spreadsheet.

I probably missed a few, I’m old (RESPECT), but the list above is one we can all be proud of.  Let’s continue to plant, grow and serve through F3 and look for a way YOU can step-up, volunteer, and lead to support your F3 brothers.   

Thank you all and SYITG,