SMI – 8/17/19

QIC: @Diopter

Pax: @headmaster @flo

3 presented themselves this morning and after a short poll on what type of workout we wanted, it was settled that we’d concentrate on the Mosey. Kind of what my plan was, so that’s what we did.



10 IW IC

Grass-getters x 10 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

The Thang

Mosey to the parking garage

Mosey to the top of the garage x 8 stories

Lunge 50 yds

Mosey around the top back to start

High skips 50 yds

Deck Repeats (run Down decline to deck below, do an exercise, then go back up and do an exercise, then down to the next floor)

Two sets: run down, 5 Derkins, run up, Inclined Merkins

Two sets: run down, declined leg lifts, up deck (ran one and high knee’d the other) inclined flutter kick

Two sets: run down, sprint up, run down

Mosey back to the flag for a walking COT as Flo had to be home for the baby hand-off!

Total mileage was 3.76. I really enjoyed the fellowship and the effort, men!

— Diopter —