Cyclone June 24

QIC: @diopter

PAX: @uber @crawfish @stumpjumper @soa @myspace @jibe @cotter @porkbelly @kobalt @barnacle (FNG) @klinger (FNG) @polygon @bloomer

14 were present this morning which included 2 FNG’s. Not too terrible in the heat and humidity scale, but plenty of sweat was apparent.

Warm up

SSH x 30 ic

Grass Getters x 10 ic

Merkins x 10 ic

Imperial Walkers x 15 ic

LBC’s x 50

Mosey to the track

The Thang

2 laps of Indian Run

Partner up

10 burpees while partner planks then switch up, Both men run bleachers

Rinse and repeat

50 Squats while partner wall squats, Both men run bleachers

Rinse and repeat

25 merkins together, Both men run bleachers

Rinse and repeat

Big boys sit-ups while wait for all to finish

One more mosey around the track

Back to the flag for more

Repeat all exercises

5 burpees, plank, 20 squats, The Peoples Chair, 20 merkins, 20 Big boy sit-ups

2 FNGs here today. F3_Klinger (former Army medic lives in WA, medical sales) and F3_Barnacle (Former Airborne, owns a diving company in town). Welcome!!

Announcements – Tour de Charleston July 4 at the Sandpit, Cotter’s happy hour send-off Thursday, July 27 at Bohemian Bull.

Thoughts: I didn’t have a set discussion today but thought of a few guidelines that lead to global improvement of ourselves and our community.

1. Keep showing up to F3 workouts but do a little more outside of them. On days off, do something physical. Run a mile or two (with your kids if possible). Do some merkins or burpees. You’ll see improvement in your workouts which will enable you to have more confidence in doing a CSAUP, which will jump you into another level.

2. Continuous learning establishes continuous growth. Read books, listen to podcasts, and turn with introspection to evaluate and reevaluate what and who you are presently. Ask yourself this question. How can you improve yourself so that things in your proximity can improve? Talk about these areas with your Shieldlock or your Whetstone. Begin today.

3. Live with humility and love. Refrain from a judgment of others and offer patience in lieu of strife. Instead of interjecting yourself, listen with empathy even though you may not agree at all with what the other person is saying. Every person’s ideas are formed from the environment in which they have lived, the culture in which they were raised, and the events that have shaped their world. The pushback you may receive in life is typically a mirror image of what you are putting out there. Explore this pushback further to see how you can make it better.

That’s all I have today. Keep pounding!

– Diopter –