Extended Stay 10/12/19


AO: Extended Stay
QIC: @Gazuntite
PAX: @Mr. Brady @Thin Mint @fishtank @Matlock @Trojan @TagAlong
The mood was somber as the West Ashley High school bus broke down in the parking lot. Many eyes were rolled. Luckily a new bus was commandeered and no pickle pounders had to be witnessed.

…as for the Pax at Extended Stay, the jubilation was palpable as @Gazuntite kicked off his 2 year anniversary Q. @Matlock set a new PR in minutes late in his bid to be renamed. Any suggestions?

Warm Up


PUB max rep then 2-3 reps partner assist
Double block squats (“Gazuntites!?”) x 10 IC
While partner does Merkin x 10 IC
Then switch

Run 200m then jog back

Double block squats (“Gazuntites!?”) x 10 IC
While partner does Merkin x 10 IC
Then switch

Run 200 m then jog back

Full body crunch x 10
Freddy Mercuries x 10 IC
Flutter kicks x 10 IC
Plank x 30 seconds

Catch me if you can around big loop with cinder blocks and 5 burpees

Chin up max reps



From “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins
Take inventory of your Cookie Jar. Crack your journal open again. Write it all out. Remember, this is not some breezy stroll through your personal trophy room. Don’t just write down your achievement hit list. Include life obstacles you’ve overcome as well, like quitting smoking or overcoming depression or a stutter. Add in those minor tasks you failed earlier in life, but tried again a second or third time and ultimately succeeded at. Feel what it was like to overcome those struggles, those opponents, and win. Then get to work. Set ambitious goals before each workout and let those past victories carry you to new personal bests. If it’s a run or bike ride, include some time to do interval work and challenge yourself to beat your best mile split. Or simply maintain a maximum maximum heart rate for a full minute, then two minutes. If you’re at home, focus on pull-ups or push-ups. Do as many as possible in two minutes. Then try to beat your best. When the pain hits and tries to stop you short of your goal, dunk your fist in, pull out a cookie, and let it fuel you! If you’re more focused on intellectual growth, train yourself to study harder and longer than ever before, or read a record number of books in a given month. Your Cookie Jar can help there too. Because if you perform this challenge correctly and truly challenge yourself, you’ll come to a point in any exercise where pain, boredom, or self-doubt kicks in, and you’ll need to push back to get through it. The Cookie Jar is your shortcut to taking control of your own thought process. Use it that way! The point here isn’t to make yourself feel like a hero for the fuck of it. It’s not a hooray-for-me session. It’s to remember what a badass you are so you can use that energy to succeed again in the heat of battle! Post your memories and the new successes they fueled on social media, and include the hashtags: #canthurtme #cookiejar.

Announcements: 5k for Marge tomorrow in CB park

TAPs: Marge, family in Shadowmoss who’s house burned down, family of F3 pax who took his own life.
