Greatest Generation Respect

SMI – 6/8/2019

QIC: @Diopter

Pax: @klondike @iceberg @ChristopherRobin

The conditions this morning were, you guessed it, humid and hot. Perfect for a summer morning beatdown. As usual, I didn’t come in with anything planned, just an area to which I wanted to head to, and then to see what happened when we got there.


SSH x 30 IC, IW’s x 10 IC, Grass-getters x 10 IC, Hammy stretch R-L, Merkins x 10 IC, Calf Stretch L-R

The Thang:

Mosey to the new condo parking garage across from The Joe (1 mile), We lost Klondike about halfway, as he’d been nursing a sore leg.

Parking Garage: Today we put the garage to good use. 6 stories of fun.

Set one: Ran to the top hitting inclines to each floor. We stopped and did 5 burpees at each incline. Ran back down to the bottom.

Set two: At the bottom, we did 10 Derkins (on the incline) in cadence. We then moved up the garage repeating the Derkins at each floor. On our descent, we performed Dig Boy Sit-ups (Declined Big Boys) x 15 SC, every other floor.

We then moseyed back to the Flag and met up with Klondike, who had stayed around to do some stuff on his own.


This week was the 75th anniversary of D-Day, and I felt like it was a good time to bring up the Greatest Generation and their willingness to come together to fight evil. So much different is our society today, as we are gripped by polarization and strife. This is the total opposite of what they experienced. We came to the conclusion that unless we can all gather around some common goal, this country may have to experience some sort of war or economic hardship to set it straight.

I have seen myself fall into the trap listening to national media and politicians over the past year, and am recognizing that it has not added one positive thing to my life. So my message is to start finding common ground with people within arms reach. Listen to other viewpoints instead of the social media echo chamber that we create for ourselves. Pay less attention to, if not turn off, the pundits and demagogues the create polarization to further themselves by promoting disparity.

This is a silent form of leadership that will help spur change from the bottom up.

Signing off.


2 thoughts on “Greatest Generation Respect

  1. Laban Chappell

    Well said Diopter. Difficult times call for difficult decisions. Every generation fights evil, some more apparent than others. We all have our battles to fight, some worth more than others. Social media certainly opens our eyes to a larger world full of anger and frustration. Be that calm in the storm and show his grace!

  2. Klondike

    Thanks for the Q and the COT, Diopter. I have had the same experience of getting zero from my news and opinion media source. If I have gotten anything, it’s been anger. It’s a slippery slope and I’ve backed off from it the past few weeks and beeen listening to things that help me spiritually instead of immersing me in the political broil. I feel a lot better.

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