SMI – Diopter, 2/8/2020

QIC: @Diopter
Pax: @ChristopherRobin @DeathBenefit @Shortsale @Gomer @Hacksaw @DancingRick and welcome @Pantyhose (DeathBenefit’s twin bro from F3_Raleigh
Warmup: SSH x 30IC IW x 15IC Asphalt Grabbers x 10IC Left/Right/Center Hammy Stretch Merkins x 10IC
The Thang: Mosey to the nearest parking garage (1.5 miles) Two pain stops on the way: 1. Elbow plank leg raises x 15IC, Wide arm merkins x 10 IC 2. Big boy sit ups x 20SC, Carolina Dry Docks x 10IC
Parking Garage: Lunge up incline, mosey to next one Diamond Merkins x 10IC, BB Sit ups x 20IC Lunge up incline, mosey to next one Carolina Dry Docks x 10IC, Elbow Plank leg raises x 15IC Lunge up incline, mosey to next one Wide Arm Merkins x 10IC, DirtyDogs x 10IC both legs Lunge up incline, mosey to next one Carolina Dry Docks x 10IC, Flutter Kicks x 20IC Lunge up incline, Mosey Lunge up incline
Stare at sunrise!
Beatdown Medley 5 Merkins IC 10 BB Sit-ups SC 5 Carolina Dry Docks IC 10 Elbow plank leg raises IC 5 Diamond Merkins IC 10 Flutter Kicks IC 5 Dirty Dogs IC each leg
Mosey down 7 stories of the parking deck
Mosey back to the flag x 1.5 miles
Total mileage 3.5 miles
Spoke about impact and what we can do to create motion in other men. As much as we can, aim for impact to the fullest effect when we are Qing. Full impact causes the most motion in others.
2/22 Oyster Roast 3/14 F3Charleston Convergence, Indigo Rebellion 3/21 BBQ with Fams at JIYC
Dancing Ricks mother in law Vikki Diopters mother in law and Sister in laws family
Great work today, men!