Indigo Rebellion – 10/1/19

QIC: @diopter

PAX: @cardinallaw @pigpen @hawkeye @sharktank @slippers @ducktails @toxic @piledriver @FNG_Khakis

Today’s workout became an ad-libbed attempt to show some new exercises to the AO so that they have more in their arsenal when the VQ’s start rolling in. Pretty muggy morning and the sweat was apparent. Great work by all!


SSH x 30 IC
IW x 15 IC
Asphalt Grabbers x 10 IC
Stretch Hammy’s (right, left, center)
Merkins x 10 IC
LBC’s x 25 OYO

The Thang:

Indian Run:
Two laps around the path

Football Field work:
The Old F3 Charleston Shovel Flag was on hand and was planted along the sideline at midfield
We then partnered up and lined up in the end zone on the opposite sideline.
While one man was bear crawling, the other ran to the flag and back to his partner to switch off
We did this twice down the field

At the drop-off spot, we performed 11’s with Derkins on the top side and dips on the bottom

We then lined up ran to a cone about 50 yards away
At the turn, we did 5 burpees
Back to the start
Then back to another cone around 75 yards away
Did 5 more burpees and returned to the start

We circled up at the flag and performed:

Freddy Mercury’s x 25 IC
Heels to Heaven x 20 IC
Side Lunge x 10 IC
Freedom Twist x 25 IC
Box Cutters x 20 IC
Carolina Dry Doc’s x 15 IC
Nasty Dogs x 15 each leg IC
Big Boy Sit-ups x 25 SC
Carolina Dry Doc’s x 15 IC
Freddy Mercury’s x 25 IC



Not much planned to talk about today, but I did bring up the VQ. In order for the AO to thrive it’s best to have many different Q’s on deck to lead workouts. Yes, it’s a little uncomfortable and awkward at first, but we all went through it, and getting out of your comfort zone will create growth and give you an opportunity to start the leadership process. Set a date for your first Q on the spreadsheet. If you want to Co-Q with someone, then ask them.


  • Pile Driver with some family issues. We are with you, brother!
  • Pray for drivers to be patient and safe
  • Slippers near miss from a falling telephone pole yesterday as a sign of praise

Keep working and keep posting, men. The workouts don’t get easier, you just get better!

